South Yorkshire Schools' Climate Conference 2022
Our second annual conference took place virtually on 1-3 March 2022. All sessions are now available to watch on demand (click the button below).
We were pleased to deliver another excellent line-up of workshops and presentations, for both primary and secondary schools, covering a wide range of topics related to climate change. There was something for all ages and interests, and lots of ways for teachers to tie in the sessions with their school's curriculum.
Scroll down for information about individual workshops and presentations - or click on the button to view the timetable and links to access the sessions.
The timetable document also includes a teacher's guide, with teacher notes and a list of resources you'll need for each session.
You can also view our conference FAQs.
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Mayoral Address
A brief message from the mayor in support of the South Yorkshire Schools' Climate Conference
Day 1 - Tuesday 1st March
Similar to last year we will begin each day with a short video from students and schools showcasing ideas and projects related to climate change (starting at 8.30).
However this year we will showcase this years 'Our Time' video.
Watch the 'Our Time' Video Here
Watch Worried Mum Lunchtime Session Video Here
We are also delighted to have a brief message from Bishop Sophie to begin the conference followed by the conference theme song 'Grey to Green' written and performed by Jess Gold (Project Earth Rock). Enjoy!

Introduction from Bishop Sophie
A short message from the Right Reverend Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster

Conference Theme Song - 'Grey to Green' by Jess Gold
Chorus - Going grey to green, we’re really keen
Safe, clean planet, like you’ve never seen
It’s time to shine, South Yorkshire
Listen to the song here: 'Grey to Green' by Jess Gold

Welcome - Project Drawdown
Climate change is a tremendous call to action for everyone on earth - it is a key challenge we all face today. Join Crystal Chissell, Senior Director for Drawdown Communities, and Kat (Kirsten) Taylor, an Associate for Drawdown Communities, from Project Drawdown as they describe how we all can contribute to solving the climate crisis.
They will share technologies and practices we can use to address climate change and transform society, how we can contribute to implementing solutions, and why climate solutions are a call for collaboration and creativity.

Hope for the Future
Taking climate action by working with MPs
What can we do about climate change? Who can we work with to help make our planet a better place?
Join Hope for the Future to learn about how we can take action together to address climate change. This workshop will cover:
- an introduction to climate change issues in the UK
- an introduction to Members of Parliament
- an overview of how young people and schools can work with Members of Parliament to help make a difference
We will also write questions for a follow up climate-themed Q&A with Louise Haigh MP where students will get the chance to learn more about who MPs are and how they can help us take action on climate issues.

Food Works
Fair Food for All
An investigation for the current food system and why it is not feeding everybody, as well as causing great environmental harm. Exploring alternatives based on the concept of citizenship (as opposed to consumerism).

Expanding Environmentalism and Eco-Schools Work Beyond School Boundaries
Since 1994, the Eco-Schools programme has empowered young people to plan and deliver school-based environmental projects that protect our planet. This Eco-Schools session, delivered by Eco-Schools coordinator and former teacher Francis, is aimed at expanding young people’s Eco-Schools work beyond school boundaries, into homes and communities.
Focusing on Step 2 of the Eco-Schools Seven Step programme, participating students will be tasked with creating their own Environmental Review for schoolmates to complete at home and in their local community, encouraging school communities to consider the affect their everyday behaviours are having on our planet.

Biomass – sustainable solution or eco-disaster?
This session will give a brief introduction to biomass and outline the harmful impacts of large scale biomass production on natural habitats, communities and the climate. The session will include an introduction to greenwashing and false solutions. The session will include images and short video(s).

Project Earth Rock - LIVE
Write a song for Walk to School Week
Jess Gold will introduce the session by singing the Project Earth Rock Transportation and Fossil Fools songs as well as showing the animations for both of these. She will then lead a discussion with the help of classroom teachers.
Jess will make the educational link into Walk to School Week and, together with the session participants, start writing a song for Walk to School Week. She will conclude the session by encouraging all participants to take time to finish their nascent songs and have their own musical performances to celebrate Walk to School Week.

Energy Sparks
Be an Energy Spy
Tackling our energy addiction is such a big part of fighting climate change. After learning a bit about the problem, pupils will be given a secret mission that will transform the way they use energy in their schools and homes.

Burngreave Clean Air
Air Pollution
What causes polluted air? Where can we find clean air? This session provides your pupils with the opportunity to think about the air around them, and to use their artistic creativity to create posters or models to share their ideas with others.
(There is no video for this session.)
View the Teachers Notes for Burngreave Clean Air Session Here

University of Sheffield
Why the climate crisis is a health crisis
We will be giving an overview of how all aspects of the climate and ecological emergency (CEE) - global warming, air pollution, zoonotic diseases e.g. Covid, and loss of biodiversity - affect our health and explaining why the climate and ecological crisis is a health crisis.
We will outline the win-win solutions that can solve many of the problems of the CEE and our own health at the same time.

Hope for the Future
Taking climate action by working with MPs
What can we do about climate change? How can we translate our feelings about it into meaningful action? And what can one person do to help change our planet?
Join Hope for the Future to learn about the ways that we can kickstart the change we want to see for our climate. This workshop will cover:
- how to use political systems such as Parliament to make your voice heard
- detailed training on communicating with Members of Parliament
- using our relationship-based approach to work with MPs to help tackle climate change
We will also write questions for a follow up climate-themed Q&A with a South Yorkshire based MP where students will get the chance to put their newly acquired climate communication skills into practice.

School Energy Efficiency
From pollution to practical action
James and Richard will help Y1/2 students think about air pollution: what is it, where does it come from and what damage does it do?
We'll use pollution as the doorway to talking about the impact humans are having on the Earth's climate and what everyday changes we can each make to limit the damage.

FutureCat, University of Sheffield - LIVE
Build a battery
The session will be delivered by a series of early-career battery researchers, showcasing diversity. Each researcher will provide a bite-sized lesson (5-8 min). In the live session, the researchers will engage with the class through polls or surveys in-between the mini-sessions.
Through the series of mini-sessions, the researchers will introduce the applications and motivations for continuing to developing battery technologies, explain what materials/elements they are made of, how they work, and what are the considerations for sustainability. We will also look at potential battery research careers.
The session will include the use of the ‘Build a Battery’ card game that has been developed.

Energy Sparks - LIVE
Tackling energy efficiency in your school: an eco win
This 40-minute session will explore why tackling energy efficiency with Energy Sparks is a great place to start your school’s journey on sustainability or take existing eco team work up to the next level.
Watch the School Energy Spark (Teacher CPD) Session Here - LIVE

Our Shared World
Deep Dive into the DfE's draft Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy
A conversation about the Department for Education’s draft strategy for education and children’s services systems, announced at COP 26. This was the third in our successful series of hearing other voices and each other and thinking what this all means to us, education and our practice. Speakers included: Ann Finlayson – OSW co-chair, CEO of SEEd and Advisor for DfE Usergroup
Phoebe Hanson – from Teach the Future and Mock COP26
Thiziri – Teach the Future representative from The Chase school who recently declared a climate emergency
Sam Nadel – Head of Government Relations – Oxfam
Day 2 - Wednesday 2nd March
Watch Jess Gold - 'Grey to Green' (8.30 & 10.30) Here (Primary)

Kids Plant Trees
Create a wildlife-friendly mini garden
How to create a wildlife-friendly mini garden, using one or more upcycled containers. Not everyone has a garden or access to wild, green spaces - but we want to show an easy way to connect with and help nature, even if you don’t have a lot of (or any) outdoor space of your own.
We invite pupils to take part in our upcycling challenge - who can find the most unusual container for their wildlife-friendly mini garden. If you have no outdoor space, you can create one indoors instead.

Greener Practice
Climate change and health: win-win solutions for the health of both people and planet
A series of short videos (approximately 15-30min each) on a variety of health-related subjects to include some of the following:
- low carbon excellent asthma care
- active travel
- contraception/ period products
- plant forward diets
- engagement with / exercise in nature
- eco-anxiety

Bosh! - LIVE
Henry Firth and Ian Theasby are proud Yorkshire boys, having met each other when they both attended High Storrs School in Sheffield. They’re passionate about how the food we eat can help to protect the environment, and have been on a mission to show how awesome plant-based food can be.
They’ll be cooking live, showing you how to make a super simple hummus pasta without any meat or dairy products and answer your questions about the world of going vegan for the planet.

The weather and climate change
During this session you will make your own rain, snow and tornado as a discussion point for the class to really start thinking about the links between the weather and climate change. This will be a catalyst to further activities that can be completed linking to this subject.

Solar Active - LIVE
Plugging into the sun
Students will build a solar car, test and race their cars, and change gear ratios. They will then make modifications for their car to travel straight and go over inclines.
Students will also observe how the rise of water in a mini-pump will be affected by light intensity.
As a participant in SCESY /Zero Carbon Yorkshire [ZCY] STEM solar project you will be sent a solar car resource that includes an agreement form that we request you to sign and return. We have limited resources so to secure your place we request a £10 returnable deposit when you register. The deposit will be returned on your completion of the session. The solar car in-person and/or on-line session is 55 minutes. The sessions are aimed at KS3/KS4, primary and secondary teachers, training teachers, youth groups, STEM Ambassadors and anyone doing on-line learning. You will build and race [indoor and outdoor] a solar car; make adjustments to improve performance. The solar cell will run outdoors in diffuse light conditions. An AA/1.5V battery unit provided to run car indoors. Contact to receive our on-line registration form.

Zak Barker
Be a Leader in Industry (Y10-Y13)
New legislation means that wherever we work we will have to account for our carbon emissions. Zak is currently studying Engineering at the University of Sheffield as part of a Degree Apprenticeship with Ardagh Glass. He has already made a big impact on the carbon emissions of the company he is working for. Here Zak talks about what he learned at University, how he translated that into practical action in his workplace, and challenges young people to take a lead in their future workplace.
Watch Zak Barker - Be a Leader Lunchtime Session Here

Planet Super League
Represent your school. Score green goals. Play for the Planet.
An introduction to Planet Super League, who run football-themed climate action competitions for football fans and schools. Working in partnership with more than 60 professional football clubs, Planet Super League offers a free way to engage in climate action in a fun and competitive format. Open to primary and secondary schools, for students, teachers, families and the wider school community, these competitions see participants score goals for their favourite football club and school by completing green activities in their everyday lives. The impact you have as an individual and as a school is tracked & measured, and football clubs climb a league table based on their progress against their competitors. Educational materials are available in a cross-curricular format keeping the ever-present themes of fun, football, climate action and competition throughout.

WaterAid, Arts2Educate and Laurie Newman (Bluejay Books)
WaterAid meets Jessie the Jellyfish
An exciting 2-hour session with WaterAid, Arts2Educate and Laurie Newman, author of the wonderful story Jessie the Jellyfish.
There will be three parts to the workshop beginning with an introduction to WaterAid and why water is so important to look after. The children will then relax and listen to the gorgeous story 'Jessie the Jellyfish', which will be followed by a plastic ocean arts session led by Arts2Educate.
We recommend the children work in pairs to create these pieces of work to promote teamwork, and conversation between each other about how they can help to save our planet.

Scottish Seabird Centre
Scottish seabirds in a changing marine environment
Join the Scottish Seabird Centre team to learn about the importance of seabirds and how they relate to the wider marine environment. This session will also examine the impact of climate change (including ocean warming and ocean acidification) and marine renewable energy on seabird populations.

Being the Change (or Who do you want to be)
An interactive workshop (50 minutes) inviting young people to learn to align their passion with purpose and feel empowered to be the change they wish to see in the world. In this session we will:
- Meet some global changemakers who are ‘being the change’
- Explore how to connect with our inner purpose
- Understand how to move from overwhelm to action
- Learn to become a systems thinker
- Start the journey to being the change we wish to see in the world

DECSY and Leeds DEC
Teaching a Climate Curriculum
How do we as schools and educators respond to the challenges of the climate crisis? Just as every aspect of children’s lives will be touched by the climate crisis, every aspect of their education needs to contribute to their understanding and response to it. Not just Geography and Science but every subject has its part to play. This session will give a taster of DECSY’s whole-school approach to climate change, looking at curriculum, campus, community and culture. It will also introduce Leeds DEC’s Climate Curriculum learning outcomes, spanning KS1 to KS4, prepared in collaboration with climate academics from the University of Leeds, along with Leeds schools. These support you to embed climate learning across the curriculum throughout the Key Stages.
Day 3 - Thursday 3rd March

Surfers Against Sewage
Plastic Free Schools
An introduction to Surfers Against Sewage and the Plastic Free Schools programme with a focus on tackling single-use plastic in schools. Pupils will learn about the problem of single-use plastic and come up with their own Pupil Power Problem Plastics Plan by conducting an investigation and using some marine saving maths.

Urban Forests, Karachi
Forests for our Future
Trees are the most important ally we have in the war against changing climate. When trees are in the form of forests their power is amplified.
Growing forests in and around human habitats will not only contribute to the carbon dioxide draw down but will also provide hosts of other benefits, including air quality improvement, urban flooding mitigation, reduction of urban heat island effect and ecosystem restoration.

Hope for the Future - LIVE
Climate Q&A with Louise Haigh MP
Do you want to have your voice heard by climate decision makers? Join Hope for the Future for a live Climate Q&A with Louise Haigh MP. You’ll have a chance to ask the questions you devised in the previous workshop, as well as share your vision for the future and talk about how you can work with your MP to make this vision a reality. You’ll also be able to hear what it’s actually like to be an MP and work in politics, as well as find out about local climate projects that Louise is working on and how you and your school can get involved.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Save the whale. Save the world.
Join Whale and Dolphin Conservation education officer, Lorna Hall, to find out how whales and dolphins are affected by climate change and how saving whales will help save the world.
They will be running two sessions:
- Session aimed at KS2 (years 3 – 6). Duration approx. 1 hour, including time to complete a board game at the end
- Session is aimed at KS1 (reception - year 2). Duration approx. 45 minutes, including time to complete a colouring sheet at the end

Expanding Environmentalism and Eco-Schools Work Beyond School Boundaries
Since 1994, the Eco-Schools programme has empowered young people to plan and deliver school-based environmental projects that protect our planet. This Eco-Schools session, delivered by Eco-Schools coordinator and former teacher Francis, is aimed at expanding young people’s Eco-Schools work beyond school boundaries, into homes and communities.
Focusing on Step 2 of the Eco-Schools Seven Step programme, participating students will be tasked with creating their own Environmental Review for schoolmates to complete at home and in their local community, encouraging school communities to consider the affect their everyday behaviours are having on our planet.
Activista The Gambia
Activista’s role in Combating Climate Change and Climate Induced Community Conflicts.
The session will introduce participants to the driving causes of climate change in the Third world (Global South) (lessons learned from The Gambia) with special focus on Agricultural practices, livelihood dependency on natural environment, role of major companies in the timber trade. It will further explore the effects and impact on local communities and the role of civil society (Activista) in promoting community peace building mechanism and awareness creation in Climate Resilience Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) approach. Upon completion, participants will be encouraged to ask questions and commend on the topic of discussion. This session should be within 30mins.

Robertson Construction
Sustainable construction
Robertson Construction will be running two sessions - one for primary schools and one for secondary. These sessions will:
- Help educate school children so they understand more about climate change
- Show what Robertson are doing to reduce carbon emissions
- Provide insight as to how everyone can help save the planet

Owlthorpe Action Group
Bulldozing our Land
A story of how a group of local people came together to try and save a rewilded wildlife habitat from destruction by a housing developer - a real life David versus Goliath battle! The farmland was allocated for housing decades ago but was left untouched. Self-set trees grew, wildlife moved in, and it became a cherished green space by local people. The session covers:
- The journey of Owlthorpe Fields Action Group - a community group of local people
- Planning policy
- Wildlife protection and the law
- Pictures of wildlife
- Climate and nature emergency
- Importance of trees / woodland / hedgerows
Watch Owlthorpe Action Session Here

Catherine Nuttgens, Sheffield City Council - LIVE
Planting trees in schools
Thinking about tree planting in your school? Join Catherine Nuttgens, Community Forestry Manager at Sheffield City Council, to find out:
- Benefits of trees in school
- How to plan and deliver a tree project
- How trees work, common problems and how to avoid them
- Love your trees - looking after trees once planted
- Looking after the trees you already have

Authors & Educators on a Mission - LIVE PANEL DISCUSSION
Talking to children about climate change
Anxiety and confusion often go together. Both still underscore mass media communications regarding climate change, justifiably considered an existential threat to life on Earth as we know it.
Authors & Educators on a Mission is a small group of environmentally engaged citizens who apply their writing to contribute to increase climate literacy.
Join us for a participative 'coffee shop chat’ on the subject of communicating about the climate crisis to children, how creative and non-fiction works can support teaching this subject, and how positive messaging can empower and inspire climate action.
This is an interactive session for teachers, parents and pupils (ages 9+).
Join our South Yorkshire schools' climate network
We're creating a network of schools seeking to include climate education in their curriculum and reduce their school's impact on the environment. The network will give schools the opportunity to learn from each other as they continue on their climate education/carbon reduction journey. By signing up you agree to receive emails from us and be part of this network in South Yorkshire. The network will also be able to gain from the experience of other school based eco-networks around the country.
IMPORTANT: When you sign up, please click on the link in the verification email (check your spam/junk folder). If you do not receive a verification email, please email letting us know your email address, full name, school name and school location so that we can add you to the mailing list manually.
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